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Juan Carlos Nieto-Fuentes, Adeline Wihardja, Paul Stovall, Trent Wilson, Kaushik Bhattacharya, Daniel Rittel, "A new drop weight tensile testing system for soft matter at intermediate strain rates", European J. of Mechanics / A Solids 111 (2025) 105507
T. Albik, G.G. Goviazin, D. Rittel, "A thermomechanical study of the mode II impact response of fatigue cracks and sharp notches", Eng. Fracture Mechanics, 313, 2025, 110674


Sagi Aharoni, Daniel Rittel, Keren Shemtov-Yona, "Factual observations of dynamic bone crushing", Nature, Scientific Reports 14, Article number: 25597 (2024)
Orel Guetta, Daniel Rittel , "Modeling shock attenuation in hydrogels via frequency-dependent acoustic drag", Int. J. Engineering Science, 205 , 2024, 104149
G.G. Goviazin, V. Tannieres, R. Cury, D. Rittel , "The Taylor-Quinney coefficient of tungsten-base heavy alloys", Int. J. Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 125 , December 2024, 106896
G.G. Goviazin, D.A. Goldstein, B. Ratzker, O. Messer, M. Sokol, D. Rittel, "MAX phases: Unexpected reactivity under impact", Applied Materials Today, 40 , October 2024, 102389
G.G. Goviazin, R. Ceder, S. Kalabukhov, S. Hayun, D. Rittel , "Challenging the paradigm for reactive material's ignition from shear to pressure: Thermomechanical study of Al-PTFE", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 186, May 2024, 105581
Amit S. Shavit, Daniel Rittel, Keren Shemtov-Yona, "The chemical and microstructural signature of peri-implantitis on titanium dental implants’ surface", Applied Surface Science Advances 19 (2024) 100553
Jing Xie, Yang Qiao, Zu’an Wang, Yuanshen Qi, Qingfeng Xu, Keren Shemtov-Yona, Pengwan Chen, Daniel Rittel, "Application of the Taguchi method to areal roughness-based surface topography control by waterjet treatments", Applied Surface Science Advances 19 (2024) 100548


Zu'an Wang, Yinze Lei, Jing Xie, Pengfei Wang, Gan Feng, Yong Kang, Pengwan Chen, D. Rittel, "Surface removal of ductile metal using cyclic lowfrequency impact of a discrete particle-less waterjet", Materials Research and Technology, 25, July–August 2023, 5003-5020
S. Aharoni, D. Rittel, K. Shemtov-Yona , "Compressive mechanical behavior and failure of the pig bone rib and correlation to its morphological characteristics", Mechanics of Materials, 185, October 2023, 104767
Elnatan Maayan, Pokhojaev Ariel, Habashi Waseem, Garkun Andrey, Rittel Daniel, Sarig Rachel, "Investigating the etiology of non-carious cervical lesions: Novel µCT analysis", Journal of Dental Sciences
Zu'an Wang, Yinze Lei, Jing Xie, Pengfei Wang, Gan Feng, Yong Kang, Pengwan Chen, D. Rittel, "Surface removal of ductile metal using cyclic lowfrequency impact of a discrete particle-less waterjet", Materials Research and Technology, 25, 5003-5020
G.G. Goviazin, D. Rittel, "Revisiting the hot adiabatic shear band paradigm", Int. Journal of Impact Engineering, 180, 104702
G.G. Goviazin, D. Rittel, A. Shirizly, "Achieving high strength with low residual stress in WAAM SS316L using flow-forming and heat treatment", Materials Science & Engineering A 873 (2023) 145043
G.G. Goviazin, A. Shirizly, D. Rittel, "Does plastic anisotropy affect the thermo-mechanical coupling in steel?", Int. Journal of Engineering Science, 187, 103852


Qiang Zhou, Rui Liu, Qiang Zhou, Keshe Fan, Jing Xie, Pengwan Chen, Daniel Rittel, "Tensile behavior of the titanium-steel explosive welded interface under quasi-static and high-strain rate loading", Int. Journal of Solids and Structures 254–255, 111870
Sapir Gershov, Jing XIE, Furqan A. Shah, Keren Shemtov-Yona, Daniel Rittel, "Modelling the resonant frequency associated with the spatio-temporal evolution of the bone-dental implant interface", Acta Biomaterialia, 154, 302-311
Jing Xie, Lulu Niu, Yang Qiao, Pengwan Chen, Daniel Rittel, "Impact energy absorption behavior of graphene aerogels prepared by different drying methods", Materials & Design, 221, 110912
S. Chen, D. Rittel, D. Weihs, "Hypervelocity Impacts on Hollow Cylindrical Targets", Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials (2022)
Tamas Rev, Tzachi Nachman, Ilya Kap, Ofir Shor, Noam Shemesh, David Mollenhauer, Daniel Rittel, "Architecture effects for mode I trans-laminar fracture in over-height compact tension tests: Damage propagation and fracture response", Composites: Part A 159 (2022) 106987
B. Varfman, D. Rittel, "Shock energy attenuation of liquid aqueous methylcellulose hydrogels", Extreme Mechanics Letters, 51, 101586
Tzvi Gershanik, Itay Levin, Daniel Rittel, "2BarG—A program to process split Hopkinson (Kolsky) bar test results", SoftwareX 18 (2022) 101093
S.Chen, D.Rittel, K.Shemtov-Yona, "Probing the sensitivity of the resonant frequency analysis to the dental implant-bone condition: A numerical study", J. Mech. Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 128, 105128
G.G. Goviazin, A. Shirizly and D. Rittel, "Static and dynamic mechanical properties of wire and arc additively manufactured SS316L and ER70S6", Mechanics of Materials, 164, 104108


O. Guetta and D. Rittel, "Hyperelastic modeling of solid methyl cellulose hydrogel under quasi-static compression", J. Mech. Behavior of Biomedical Biomaterials, 124, 104857
J. Xie, D. Rittel, K. Shemtov-Yona, F.A. Shah and A. Palmquist, "A stochastic micro to macro mechanical model for the evolution of bone-implant interface stiffness", Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 131, September 2021, 415-423
O. Rijensky, D. Rittel, "Numerical investigation of polyurea coated aluminum plates under hydrodynamic shocks", Thin-Walled Structures 166 (2021) 108074
S. Chen, D. Rittel, K. Shemtov Yona, "The normal stiffness of the edentulous alveolar process", Bone Reports, 14, 101066
D. Weihs, and D. Rittel, "Off-center high velocity impact on cylindrical pipes and shells", Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials
O. Guetta, BH. Varfman and D. Rittel , "Shock Attenuation Characteristics of Methylcellulose Hydrogels: Phenomenological Modeling", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 146, 104220


G. Parvari, Y. Rotbaum, D. Rittel and Y. Eichen, "Methylcellulose solutions as shock absorbers", Key Engng. Matls., 842, 22-27
A. Dorogoy, D. Rittel and D. Weihs, "Effect of target velocity on damage patterns in hypervelocity glancing collisions", Int. J. Impact Engng, 144, 103664
J. Xie, PW. Chen and D. Rittel, "Finite element modeling of multiple water droplets impact onto a rough surface: Reassessing Sa and surface wavelength", J. Mech. Behavior of Biomedical Biomaterials, 110, 103816
O. Rijensky and D. Rittel, "Experimental investigation of polyurea coated aluminum plates under strong hydrodynamic shocks", Thin Walled Structures, 154, 106833
G. Parvari, Y. Rotbaum,  D. Rittel and Y. Eichen, "Methylcellulose solutions as shock absorbers", Key Engng. Matls., 842, 22-27
A. Dorogoy, D. Rittel and D. Weihs, "Effect of target velocity on damage patterns in hypervelocity glancing collisions", Int. J. Impact Engng, 144, 103664
R. Fadida, A. Shirizly, D. Rittel, "Static and dynamic shear-compression response of additively manufactured", Mechanics of Materials, 147 (2020) 103413
JC. Nieto Fuentes, S. Osovski and D. Rittel, "High-speed infrared thermal measurements of impacted metallic solids", MethodsX, 7, 100914
Koray Senol, Galit Parvari, Yonatan Rotbaum, Yoav Eichen, Daniel Rittel, Arun Shukla, "Mitigation of shock loading on structures using aqueous methylcellulose solution", Int. J. of Impact Engineering, 140, 103547
Yonatan Rotbaum, Galit Parvari,Yoav Eichen, Daniel Rittel, "Linear and Nonlinear Shock Attenuation of Aqueous Methylcellulose Solutions", Int. J. of Impact Engineering, 136, 103392
A. Dorogoy, G. Haïat, K. Shemtov-Yona, D. Rittel, "Modeling ultrasonic wave propagation in a dental implant - Bone system", Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 103, 103547


J. Xie, D. Rittel and PW. Chen, "Modeling the topographic evolution resulting from multiple droplets impact onto a rough metallic surface", Int. J. Engng. Science, 144, 103142
R. Fadida, A. Shirizly and D. Rittel, "The Static and Dynamic Shear-Tension Mechanical Response of AM Ti6Al4V Containing Spherical and Prolate Voids", Int. J. Engng. Science, 141, 1-15
D. Rittel, A. Dorogoy, G. Haïat, K. Shemtov-Yona, "Resonant frequency analysis of dental implants", Medical Engineering & Physics, 66 (2019) 65–74
Hadass R. Jessel, Sagi Chen, Shmuel Osovski, Sol Efroni, Daniel Rittel & Ido Bachelet, "Design principles of biologically fabricated avian nests", Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 4792
Yonatan Rotbaum, Galit Parvari, Yoav Eichen, Daniel Rittel, "Mechanical reinforcement of methylcellulose hydrogels by rigid particle additives", Mechanics of Materials, 132 (2019) 57–65
K. Shemtov-Yona, M. Özcan and D. Rittel, "Fractographic characterization of fatigued zirconia dental implants tested in room air and saline solution", Eng. Failure Analysis, 96, 298-310
Y. Rotbaum, C. Puiu, D. Rittel, M. Domingos, "Quasi-static and dynamic in vitro mechanical response of 3D printed scaffolds with tailored pore size and architectures", Materials Science & Engineering, C 96 (2019) 176–182


Refael Fadida, Amnon Shirizly, Daniel Rittel, "Dynamic Tensile Response of Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V With Embedded Spherical Pores", J. Applied Mechanics, 85 / 041004-1
G. Parvari, Y. Rotbaum, Y. Eichen and D. Rittel, "Impact-induced gelation in aqueous methylcellulose solutions", ChemComm (Chemical Communications), 54(89), 12578-12581
Dorogoy, A., "Finite difference method for solving crack problems in a functionally graded material", Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 1–13. DOI: 10.1177/0037549718802894
D. Levy , A. Shirizly , D. Rittel, "Static and dynamic compressive response of additively manufactured discrete patterns of ti6al4v", Accepted, Journal of Impact Engineering
D. Rittel, A. Dorogoy and K. Shemtov-Yona, "Modeling the effect of osseointegration on dental implant pullout and torque removal tests", Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, DOI: 10.1111/cid.12645
J.C. Nieto-Fuentes, D. Rittel and S. Osovski, "On a dislocation-based constitutive model and dynamic thermomechanical considerations", Int. J. Plasticity, 108, 55-69
J. Xie and D. Rittel, "The effects of waterjet peening on a random-topography metallic surface", Eur. J. Mechanics A/Solids, 71, 235-244
LH. Zhang, D. Rittel and S. Osovski, "Thermo-mechanical characterization and dynamic failure of near α and near β titanium alloys", Materials Science and Engng. A, 729, 94-101
Z. Lovinger, D. Rittel and Z. Rosenberg, "Modeling spontaneous adiabatic shear band formation in electro-magnetically collapsing thick-walled cylinders", Mechanics of Materials, 116, 130-145
S. Tzibula, Z. Lovinger, D. Rittel, "Dynamic tension of ductile polymers: Experimentation and modelling", Mechanics of Materials, 123, 30–42
D. Rittel, K. Shemtov-Yona and R. Lapovok, "Random spectrum fatigue performance of severely plastically deformed titanium for implant dentistry applications", J. Mech. Behavior of Biomedical Biomaterials, 83, 94-101
E. Avriel, Z. Lovinger, R. Nemirovsky and D. Rittel, "Investigating the strength of materials at very high strain rates using electro-magnetically expanding cylinders", Mechanics of Materials, 117, 165-180


A. Dorogoy, A. Godinger and D. Rittel, "Application of the incubation time criterion for dynamic brittle fracture", Int. J. of Impact Engineering, 66-73
A. Dorogoy, D. Rittel, "Quasi-Static and Dynamic Large Strain Shear-Tension Testing", Experimental Mechanics, 57,1509–1514
A. Godinger, Y. Rotbaum , A. Vaz-Romero , J.A. Rodríguez-Martínez, D. Rittel, "On the relation between shape imperfections of a specimen and necking growth rate under dynamic conditions", Int. J. Engineering Science, 119, 278–287
D. Rittel, K. Shemtov-Yona, R. Korabi, "Engineering Dental Implants", invited paper, Current Oral Health Reports, 4(3), 239-247
R. Korabi, K. Shemtov-Yona and D. Rittel, "On stress/strain shielding and the material stiffness paradigm for dental implants", Clin Implant Dent Relat Res, 19(5):935-943
A. Dorogoy, D. Rittel, K. Shemtov-Yona and R. Korabi, "Modeling dental implant insertion”, J. Mech. Behavior of Biomedical Biomaterials", J. Mech. Behavior of Biomedical Biomaterials, 68, 42-50
Y. Rotbaum, G. Parvari, Y. Eichen and D. Rittel, "Static and Dynamic Large Strain Properties of Methyl Cellulose Hydrogels", Macromolecules, 112, 4817-4826
A. Dorogoy and D. Rittel, "Dynamic large strain characterization of tantalum using shear-compression and shear-tension testing", Mechanics of Materials, 112, 143-153
D. Rittel, LH. Zhang and S. Osovski, "The dependence of the Taylor-Quinney coefficient on the dynamic loading mode", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 107, 96-114
Z. Lovinger, D. Rittel and Z. Rosenberg, "Modeling spontaneous adiabatic shear band formation in electro-magnetically collapsing thick-walled cylinders", Mechanics of Materials, 116 (2018) 130–145
D. Rittel, L.H. Zhang and S. Osovski, "Mechanical characterization of impact-induced dynamically recrystallized nanophase", Phys. Rev. Applied, 7, 044012
D. Rittel, A. Dorogoy and K. Shemtov-Yona, "Modelling dental implant extraction by pullout and torque and procedures", J. Mech. Behavior of Biomedical Biomaterials, 71, 416-427
R. Korabi, K. Shemtov-Yona, A. Dorogoy and D. Rittel, "The failure envelope concept applied to the bone-dental implant system", Scientifc Reports, 7, 2051


P. Landau, S. Osovski, A. Venkert, V. Gärtnerová & D. Rittel, "The genesis of adiabatic shear bands", Scientific Reports, 6:37226, DOI: 10.1038/srep37226
A. Dorogoy, D. Rittel and A. Godinger, "A Shear-Tension Specimen for Large Strain Testing", Exp. Mechanics, 56, 437-449
O. Rijensky, D. Rittel, "Polyurea coated aluminum plates under hydrodynamic loading: Does side matter?", Int. J. Impact Engng, 98 (2016), 1–12
K. Shemtov-Yona, D.Rittel, "Fatigue failure of dental implants in simulated intraoral media", Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 62 (2016), 636–644
K. Shemtov-Yona, D.Rittel, "Fatigue of Dental Implants: Facts and Fallacies", Dentistry Journal, (2016), 4, 16; doi:10.3390/dj4020016
K. Shemtov-Yona, D.Rittel, "Random spectrum loading of dental implants: An alternative approach to functional performance assessment", J. Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 62 (2016), 1-9
A.Vaz-Romero, Y. Rotbaum, J.A. Rodríguez-Martínez, D. Rittel, "Necking evolution in dynamically stretched bars: New experimental and computational insights", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 91(2016), 216–239


A. Dorogoy, D. Rittel & A.Godinger, "A Shear-Tension Specimen for Large Strain Testing", Experimental Mechanics, 56, 437-449
K. Shemtov-Yona and D. Rittel, "An Overview of the Mechanical Integrity of Dental Implants", BioMed Research International, ID 547384
M. Dolinski, M. Merzer and D. Rittel, "Analytical formulation of a criterion for adiabatic shear failure", Int. J. Impact Engng, 85, 20-26
A. Dorogoy, D. Rittel & A. Godinger, "Modification of the Shear-Compression Specimen for Large Strain Testing", Experimental Mechanics, 55:1627–1639, DOI: 10.1007/s11340-015-0057-6
K. Shemtov-Yona and D. Rittel, "On the mechanical integrity of retrieved dental implants", J. Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 49, 290-299
Z. Lovinger, D. Rittel and Z. Rosenberg, "An experimental study on spontaneous adiabatic shear band formation in electro-magnetically collapsing cylinders", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 79, 134–156
Y. Rotbaum, S. Osovski and D. Rittel, "Why does necking ignore notches in dynamic tension?", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 78, 173-185
R. Fadida, D. Rittel and A. Shirizly, "Dynamic mechanical behavior of additively manufactured Ti6Al4V with controlled voids", J. Applied Mechanics, 82(4), 041004-041004-9
J.A. Rodríguez-Martínez, G. Vadillo, R. Zaera, J. Fernández-Sáez and D. Rittel, "An analysis of microstructural and thermal softening effects in dynamic necking", Mechanics of Materials, 80 part B, 298–310
A. Sadjadpour, D. Rittel, G. Ravichandran and K. Bhattacharya, "A model coupling plasticity and phase transformation with application to dynamic shear deformation of iron", Mechanics of Materials, 80 part B, 255-263
J.A. Rodríguez-Martínez, G. Vadillo, D. Rittel, R. Zaera and J. Fernández-Sáez, "Dynamic recrystallization and adiabatic shear localization", Mechanics of Materials, 81:41–55
E. Ben-David, T. Tepper-Faran, D. Rittel and D. Shilo, "A New Methodology for Uniaxial Tensile Testing of Free-Standing Thin Films at High Strain-Rates", Experimental Mechanics, 54:1687–1696
A. Dorogoy and D. Rittel, "Effect of confinement on thick polycarbonate plates impacted by long and AP projectiles", Int. J. Impact Engng.,76, 38-48


S. Chen, D. Mordechai and D. Rittel, "Nanograins promote shear localization", Materials Res. Letters
E. Ben-David, T. Tepper-Faran, D. Rittel and D. Shilo, "A large strain rate effect in thin free-standing Al films", Scripta Materialia 90–91, 6–9
K. Shemtov-Yona, D. Rittel, A. Dorogoy, "Mechanical assessment of grit blasting surface treatments of dental implants", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 39, 375-390
D. Rittel, Y. Rotbaum, J.A. Rodriguez-Martinez, D. Sory and R. Zaera, "Dynamic necking of notched tensile bars: An experimental study", Experimental Mechanics, 54, 6, 1099-1109
Y. Rotbaum & D. Rittel, "Is There An Optimal Gauge Length for Dynamic Tensile Specimens?", Experimental Mechanics, 54, 1205-1244
T. Noam, M. Dolinski and D. Rittel, "Scaling Dynamic Failure: A Numerical Study", Engineering Failure Analysis 38, 58-65
K. Shemtov-Yona, D. Rittel, "Identification of failure mechanisms in retrieved fractured dental implants", Engineering Failure Analysis 38, 58-65
D. Richler and D. Rittel, (2014), "On the Testing of the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Soft Gelatins", Experimental Mechanics, 54, 805-815
N.L. Barham, D. Rittel and W.D. Kaplan, "Static and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Alumina Reinforced with Sub-Micron Ni Particles", Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 297, 1-9
K. Shemtov-Yona, D. Rittel, L. Levin and E. Machtei, "Effect of Dental Implant Diameter Fatigue Performance. Part I: Fatigue performance", Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 16(2),172-177
K. Shemtov-Yona, D. Rittel, E. Machtei and L. Levin, "Effect of Dental Implant Diameter Fatigue Performance. Part II: Failure analysis", Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 16(2),178-184


S. Osovski, D. Rittel, J.A. Rodriguez-Martinez and R. Zaera, "Dynamic tensile necking: influence of specimen geometry and boundary conditions", Mechanics of Materials, 62, 1-13
S. Osovski, D. Rittel and A. Venkert, "The respective influence of microstructural and thermal softening on adiabatic shear localization", Mechanics of Materials 56, 11-22
S. Osovski and D. Rittel, "Microstructural heterogeneity and dynamic shear localization", Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, issue 21, 211901
K. Shemtov-Yona, D. Rittel, L. Levin and E. Machtei, "The effect of oral-like environment on dental implants' fatigue performance", Clinical Oral Implants Research,25, 2,e166-e170
R. Zaera, J.A. Rodriguez-Martinez and D. Rittel, "On the Taylor-Quinney coefficient in dynamically phase transforming materials. Application to 304 stainless steel", Int. J. Plasticity, 40, 185-201
S. Osovski, Y. Nachmany, D. Rittel, P. Landau and A. Venkert, "On the dynamic character of localized failure", Scripta Materialia 67, 693-695
A. Belenky and D. Rittel, "Static and dynamic flexural strength of 99.5% alumina: Relation to surface roughness", Mechanics of Materials 54, 91-99
B. Karp, A. Dorogoy and D. Rittel, "A shear compression disk specimen with controlled stress triaxiality under dynamic loading", Experimental Mechanics, 53, 243-253


S. Osovski and D. Rittel, "Microstructural heterogeneity and dynamic shear localization", Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, issue 21, 211901
A. Belenky and D. Rittel, "Static and dynamic flexural strength of 99.5% alumina: Relation to porosity", Mechanics of Materials 48, 43-55
D. Rittel, A.A. Kidane, M. Alkhader, A. Venkert, P. Landau and G. Ravichandran, "On the dynamically stored energy of cold work in pure single and polycrystalline copper", Acta Materialia, 60, 3719-3728
M. Khokhlov, A. Fischer and D. Rittel, "Multi-scale stereo-photogrammetry system for fractographic analysis using the scanning electron microscope", Experimental Mechanics, 52, 975-991
S. Osovski, D. Rittel, P. Landau and A. Venkert, "Microstructural effects on adiabatic shear band formation", Scripta Materialia 66, 9-12


Z. Lovinger, A. Rikanati, Z. Rosenberg and D. Rittel, "Electro-magnetic collapse of thick walled cylinders to investigate spontaneous shear localization", Int. J. Impact Engng 38, 918-929
A. Dorogoy, B. Karp and D. Rittel, "A shear compression disk specimen with controlled stress triaxiality under quasi-static loading", Experimental Mechanics 51, 1545-1557
A. Dorogoy, D. Rittel and A. Brill, "Experimentation and modeling of inclined ballistic impact in thick polycarbonate plates", Int. J. Impact Engng 38, 804-814
A. Belenky and D. Rittel, "A simple methodology to measure the dynamic flexural strength of brittle materials", Experimental Mechanics 31, 1325-1334


M. Dolinski, D. Rittel and A. Dorogoy, "Modeling adiabatic shear failure from energy considerations", J. Mechanics and Physics of Solids(58), 1759-1775
D. Rittel and S. Osovski, "Dynamic failure by adiabatic shear banding", Int. J. Fracture, (162), 177-185
A. Belenky, I. Bar-On and D. Rittel, "Static and dynamic fracture of transparent nanograined alumina", J. Mechanics and Physics of Solids, (58), 484-501
J.P. Schramm, M.P. Demetriou, W.L. Johnson, B. Poon, G.Ravichandran and D. Rittel, "Effect of strain rate on the yielding mechanism of amorphous metal foam", Appl. Physics Letters , 96, 0219061-3
P. Landau, A. Venkert and D. Rittel, "Microstructural aspects of adiabatic shear failure in annealed Ti6Al4V", Metallurgical and Material Transactions A, 41(2), 389-396
A. Dorogoy, D. Rittel and A. Brill, "A study of inclined impact in polymethylmethacrylate plates", Int. J. Impact Engng, 37(3), 285-294


D. Rittel, M.L. Silva, B. Poon and G. Ravichandran, "Thermomechanical behavior of single crystalline tantalum in the static and dynamic regime", Mechanics of Materials, 41(12), 1323-1329
A. Dorogoy and D. Rittel, "Technical note: Determination of the Johnson-Cook material parameters using the SCS specimen", Experimental Mechanics,49(6), 881-885
S. Daly, D. Rittel, G. Ravichandran and K. Bhattacharya, "Large deformation of nitinol under shear dominant loading", Experimental Mechanics, 49(2), 225-233
D. Rittel, "A different viewpoint on adiabatic shear localization", J. Physics D Applied Physics, 42, 214009


B. Poon, D. Rittel and G. Ravichandran, "An analysis of nanoindentation in elastic-plastic solids", Int. J. Solids and Structures, 45, 6399-6415
B. Poon, D. Rittel and G. Ravichandran, "An analysis of nanoindentation in linearly elastic solids", Int. J. Solids and Structures, 45, 6018-6033
D. Rittel, P. Landau and A. Venkert, "Dynamic recrystallization as a potential cause for adiabatic shear failure", Phys. Rev. Letters, 101, 165501
"The war against surprise", Defence Management Journal, Issue 41, June 2008
S. Hayun,D. Rittel, N. Frage and M.P. Dariel, "Mechanical properties of B4C based Si infiltrated composites at various strain rates", Matls. Sc. & Engng A, 487, 405-409
A. Neuberger, S. Peles and D. Rittel, "Springback of circular clamped armor steel plates subjected to spherical air-blast loading", Int. J. Impact Engng , 36, 53-60
A. Dorogoy and D. Rittel, "Optimal location of a three strain gauge rosette for measuring mixed-mode stress intensity factors", Engng. Fracture Mechanics,75/14, 4127-4139
D. Rittel and Z. Wang, "Thermo-mechanical aspects of adiabatic shear failure of AM50 and Ti6Al4V alloys", Mechanics of Materials,40, 629-635
B. Karp, D. Rittel and D. Durban, "Health monitoring of joints using dynamic end effects", J. Sound & Vibration, 312, 257-272
D. Rittel and A. Brill, "Dynamic flow and failure of confined polymethylmethacrylate", J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Vol 56/4, pp 1401-1416
A. Dorogoy D. Rittel, "Transverse impact of square aluminum beams: an experimental-numerical investigation", Int. J. Impact Engineering, Vol 35,569-577
D. Rittel, E. Hanina and G. Ravichandran, "A note on the direct determination of the confining pressure of cylindrical specimens", Experimental Mechanics, Vol 48/3, 375-377
D. Rittel, Z.G. Wang and A. Dorogoy, "Geometrical imperfection and adiabatic shear banding", Int. J. Impact Engineering, Vol. 35, 1280-1292


H. Saguy and D. Rittel, "An application of AC tomography to crack identification", Appl. Phys. Letters, Vol 91, 0084104
H. Saguy and D. Rittel, "Flaw detection in metals by the ACPD technique: Theory and experiments", NDT&E international, Vol 40,505-509
D. Samak, A. Fischer and D. Rittel, "3D reconstruction and visualization of microstructure surfaces from 2D images", CIRP Annals, Vol 56/1,149-152
D. Rittel, A. Bhattacharyya, B. Poon, J. Zhao and G. Ravichandran, "Thermomechanical characterization of pure polycrystalline tantalum", Matls. Sc. & Engng. A, Vol A447,65-70
E. Hanina, D. Rittel and Z. Rosenberg, "Pressure sensitivity of adiabatic shear banding in metals", Appl. Phys. Letters, Vol 90,021915:1-3


H. Saguy and D. Rittel, "Alternating current flow in internally flawed conductors: a tomographic analysis", Appl. Phys. Letters, Vol 89,094102:1-3
D. Rittel, G. Ravichandran and A. Venkert, "The mechanical response of pure iron at high strain rates under dominant shear", Materials Science and Engineering A , A432, 191-201
A. Bhattacharrya, D. Rittel and G. Ravichandran, "Strain rate effect on the evolution of deformation texture for alpha-Fe", Metall. and Mater. Trans. A, Vol 37A(4)), 1137-1145
D. Rittel, Z.G. Wang and M. Merzer, "Adiabatic shear failure and dynamic stored energy of cold work", Phys. Rev. Letters, Vol 96(7), 075502-1-075502-4


S. Moisa, G, Landsberg, D. Rittel, and J.L. Halary, "Hysteretic thermal behavior of amorphous semi-aromatic polyamides", Polymer, Vol 46,11870-11875
H. Saguy and D. Rittel, "Bridging thin and thick skin solutions for alternating currents in cracked conductors", Appl. Phys. Letters, Vol 87,084103:1-3
D. Rittel and A.J. Rosakis, "Dynamic fracture of beryllium-bearing bulk metallic glass systems: a cross-technique comparison", Eng. Frac. Mech., Vol 72, 1905-1919
D. Rittel, "Adiabatic shear failure of a syntactic polymeric foam", Matls. Letters, Vol 59/14-15, 845-1848
B.N. Cox, H. Gao, D. Gross and D. Rittel, "Modern topics and challenges in dynamic fracture", J. Mech. Physics Solids, Vol.53, 565-596
A. Bhattacharyya, D. Rittel and G. Ravichandran, "Effect of strain rate on deformation texture of OFHC copper", Scripta Materialia,52, 657-661
A. Dorogoy and D. Rittel, "Numerical validation of the Shear Compression Specimen (SCS). Part II: Dynamic large strain testing", Experimental Mechanics, 45 (2), 178-185
A. Dorogoy and D. Rittel, "Numerical validation of the Shear Compression Specimen (SCS). Part I: Quasi-static large strain testing", Experimental Mechanics, 45 (2), 167-177
D. Rittel, N. Frage and M.P. Dariel, "Dynamic mechanical and fracture properties of an infiltrated TiC-1080 steel cermet", Int. J. Solids and Structures, Vol.42 No. 2,697-715


W.D. Kaplan, D. Rittel, M. Lieberthal, N. Frage and M.P. Dariel, "Static and dynamic mechanical damage mechanisms in TiC-1080 steel cermets", Scripta Mater., Vol.51, 37-41
D. Rittel, R. Levin and D. Dorogoy, "On the isotropy of the dynamic mechanical and failure properties of swaged tungsten heavy alloys", Metall. and Matls. Trans. A 35A, 3787-3795


M. Vural and D. Rittel, "An educational visualization technique for Kolsky (split-Hopkinson) bar", Exp. Tech. Nov/Dec 03, 35-39
M. Vural, D. Rittel and G. Ravichandran, "Large strain mechanical behavior of 1018 cold-rolled steel over a wide range of strain rates", Met. & Mat. Trans. A, Vol.34A, 2873-2885
A. Benatar, D. Rittel and A.L.Yarin, "Theoretical and experimental analysis of longitudinal wave propagation in cylindrical viscoelastic rods", J. Mech. Physics Solids, Vol.51, 1413-1431
E. Zussman, D. Rittel and A.L.Yarin, "Failure modes of electrospun nanofibers", Appl. Physics Letters, Vol.82 No. 22, 3958-3960
D. Rittel, N. Eliash and J.L. Halary, "Hysteretic heating of modified poly(methylmethacrylate)", Polymer, Vol. 44/9, 2817-2822


D. Rittel, B. Tanguy, A. Pineau and T. Thomas, "Impact fracture of a ferritic steel in the lower shelf regime", Intl. Journal of Fracture, Vol. 117, 101-112
D. Rittel, A. Pineau, J. Clisson and L. Rota, "On testing of Charpy specimens using the one point bend impact technique", Experimental Mechanics Vol. 42 no. 3, 247-252
M. Ichihara, D. Rittel and B. Sturtevant, "Fragmentation of a porous viscoelastic material: implications to magma fragmentation", J. Geophys. Research v. Solid Earth, Vol. 107 October
D. Rittel, S. Lee and G. Ravichandran, "Large strain constitutive behavior of OFHC copper over a wide range of strain-rates using the shear compression specimen", Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 34, 627-642
D. Rittel, S. Lee and G. Ravichandran, "A shear compression specimen for large strain testing", Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 42 No. 1, 58-64
R. Lazarovitch, D. Rittel and I. Bucher, "ractical crack identification using electrical impedance tomography", NDT& E-International, Vol. 35, 301-316
D. Rittel and G. Weisbrod, "Dynamic fracture of tungsten base heavy alloys", Int. Journal of Fracture, Vol. 212, 87-98


O. Bougaut and D. Rittel, "On crack-tip cooling during dynamic crack initiation", International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 38 No.15, 2517-2532


D. Rittel, "A note of the dynamic failure of PMMA", Int. Journal of Fracture, Vol. 106 No. 2, L3-L8
G. Weisbrod and D. Rittel, "A method for dynamic fracture toughness determination using short beams", Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 40 No. 2, 197-202
Y. Rabin and D. Rittel, "Infrared temperature sensing of mechanically loaded specimens: thermal analysis", Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 40 No. 2, 197-202
D. Rittel and Y. Rabin, "An investigation of the heat generated during cyclic loading of two glassy polymers. Part II: thermal analysis", Mechanics of Materials (2000), Vol. 32 No. 3, 149-159
D. Rittel, "Experimental investigation of transient thermoplastic effects in dynamic fracture", International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 37 No.21, (2000), 2901-2913


A. Shirizly, D. Rittel, Rubinski, L. and J. Tirosh, "On damage distribution in the upsetting process of sintered porous materials", Intl. Journal of Fracture, Vol. 97 No. 1/4, (1999), 55-69
D. Rittel, "Thermomechanical aspects of dynamic crack initiation", Intl. Journal of Fracture, Vol. 99 No. 3, (1999), 201-212
Y. Rabin and D. Rittel, "A model for the time response of solid-embedded thermocouples", Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 39 No. 1, (1999), 132-136
D. Studny, D. Rittel and E. Zussman, "Impact fracture of screws for disassembly", ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 121 No. 1, (1999),118-126
D. Rittel, "On the conversion of plastic work to heat during high strain rate deformation of glassy polymers", Mechanics of Materials,Vol. 31, No. 2, (1999), 131-139


D. Rittel, "The influence of temperature on dynamic failure mode transitions", Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 30 No. 3, 217-227
D. Rittel and R. Levin, "Mode-mixity and dynamic failure mode transitions in polycarbonate", Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 30 No. 3, (1998), 197-216
D. Rittel, "Transient temperature measurement using embedded thermocouples", Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 38 No. 2, (1998), 73-79
D. Rittel, "Experimental investigation of transient thermoelastic effects in dynamic fracture", International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol. 35 No. 22, (1998), 2959-2973


D. Rittel, R. Levin and H. Maigre, "The influence of mode-mixity on dynamic failure mode transitions in polycarbonate", J. Physique France 7, Colloque C3, (1997), 861-866
D. Rittel, R. Levin and H. Maigre, "On dynamic crack initiation in polycarbonate under mixed-mode loading", Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 24, No. 1, (1997), 57-64


D. Rittel and H. Maigre, "A study of mixed-mode dynamic crack initiation in PMMA", Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 23, No. 5, (1996), 475-481
D. Rittel and H. Maigre, "An investigation of dynamic crack initiation in PMMA", Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 23 No. 3, (1996), 229-239


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H. Maigre and D. Rittel, "Mixed-mode quantification for dynamic fracture initiation: application to the compact compression specimen", International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 30 No. 23, (1993), 3233-3244


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H.D. Bui, H. Maigre and D. Rittel, "A new approach to the experimental determination of the dynamic stress intensity factor", International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 29 No. 23, (1992), 2881-2895


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