TeamAlumni & Former Staff

Post Docs

Dr. Tamas Rev 2020, "Mechanics of composite materials"
Dr. Jing Xie 2016-2018



Orel Guetta 2024, "Modelling the mechanical behavior of thermo-reversible gels", (direct track)
Gleb Gil Goviazin 2021, "The mechanical properties of weld-3D printed materials", (direct track)
Oren Rijensky 2013, "A study of wave slamming on composite Al-Polyurea plates"
Juan Carlos Nieto Fuentes 2020, "Reconciling mechanical and thermomechanical dislocation-based constitutive models"
Rafi Fadida 2019, "The Mechanical Response of Additively Manufactured Ti6Al4V Specimens Containing Discrete Artificial Voids"
Yonathan Rotbaum 2019, "Shock attenuation using mc hydrogels"
Longhui Zhang 2018, "Adiabatic shear", Co-advisor: Prof. S. Osovski
Keren Shemtov-Yona 2018, "Mechanical reliability of dental implants"
Eran Ben-David 2016, "Dynamic plasticity at the nanoscale", Principal Advisor: Prof. D. Shilo
Michael Dolinski 2016, "Energy concepts in dynamic failure", Direct Ph.D. program
Zeev Lovinger 2014, "Multiple spontaneous shear banding", Pazi Price for Excellent PhD Research, 2014
Alexander Belenky 2013, "Dynamic flexural strength of advanced ceramics and its relation to structural defects"
Shmuel Osovski 2013, "Adiabatic shear from a microstructural point of view"
Zonggang Wang 2008, "Experimental study of adiabatic shear band formation"
Hagit Sagi (Cohen) 2008, "Crack identification using ACPD techniques", The David and Olga Pnueli Prize, 2008
Avi Neuberger 2006, "Blast protection of structures", The David and Olga Pnueli Prize, 2007, Co-advisor: Prof. A.L. Yarin (until 2004)


Bat-El Yefa 2019, "Cavitation in composite materials"
Shadi Saliba 2016, "Random spectrum loading of dental implants"
Nadav Ish-Shalom 2016, "Dynamic behavior of tantalum"
E. Blumstein 2010, "Theory and experimental assessment of digital image correlation"
G. Dvir 2009, "Digital image correlation: theory and applications"
A. Zlatkis 2009, "Models for behind the armor debris"
O. Shor 2006, "A survey of constitutive models for polymers and rubbers"
A. Gersthstein 2006, "Comparing estimates of Kc and Kd in sintered carbides using mechanical and microhardness tests"
S. Cohen 2002, "Dynamic collapse of metallic tubes"
A. Tanenboim 2002, "Micromechanical polymeric devices"
O. Shani 2000, "Micromechanical models of fracture"
M. Katriaru 1998, "Thermomechanical aspects of monotonic and cyclic deformation in commercial polymethylmethacrylate"
A. Cohen 1998, "Experimental investigation of thermomechanical couplings in commercial polycarbonate"
Y. Greif 1998, "Nondestructive tests"
S. Lev 1998, "Thermal stresses and design of pressure vessels"
R. Bar-Om 1997, "Material aspects of jet fragmentation in explosive shaped charges"
N. Strumtza 1997, "Characterization of damage and fracture of sintered carbide tools"


Amit S. Shavit 2020, "Biocorrosion of dental implants"
Tzach Nachmann 2018, "The fracture of carbon based composites"
BatHen-Varfman 2020, "Mechanics of methylcellulose gels"
Olga Afiyan 2020, "Evaluation of the static fracture toughness of advanced ceramics"
Adam Godinger 2019, "The influence of confining stress on the ballistic properties of soda lime glass"
Daniel Vilyatser 2018, "The fracture mechanics of laminated composites", Co-advisor: Prof. Israel Cohen
Dvir Blumer 2018, "Impact of transparent ceramics with controlled microstructure"
Nofar Daloya 2018, "Failure of a brittle polymer", Co-advisor: Dr. A. Sides
Daniel Levy 2018, "Dynamic behavior of 3D printed titanium alloy lattices", Co-advisor: Dr. A. Shirizly
Raoof Korabe 2018, "Numerical modelling of dental implants"
Sagi Chen 2015, "Atomistic simulations", Principal Advisor: Prof. D. Mordehai
Leonid Glikin 2015, "Impact properties of confined ceramics and polymers"
Yonathan Rotbaum 2015, "Dynamic necking of metals"
Rafi Fadida 2015, "Dynamic mechanical properties of printed porous Ti6Al4V"
Daniel Richler 2015, "Dynamic mechanical behavior of poroelastic gels", Brakim-2015
Sagi Cibola 2014, "Dynamic tension of brittle polymers"
Rafi Sitton 2014, "Measuring loads from contact mechanics concepts"
Noam Tomer 2014, "Scaling dynamic failure", Co-advisor: Dr. E. Kochavi
Nathanael Barham 2014, "Advanced ceramics", Co-advisor: Prof. W.D. Kaplan
Eyal Avriel 2013, "Ultra high strain rates by electromagnetic loading"
Rebecca Oiknine 2013, "Dynamic behavior of Cu-Zn alloys", Ecole des Mines de Paris
Hanna Kotler (Choukroun) 2013, "Dynamic failure of aluminum alloys", Co-advisor: Dr. L. Levin
David Sory 2013, "Notch sensitivity of AISI 4340 in dynamic tensile testing", TFE, ECAM (Belgium)
Keren Shemtov-Yona 2013, "Fatigue of dental implants", Co-advisor: Prof. E. Machtei
U. Stauber 2013, "Mechanical and failure properties of ULTEM", Brakim-2013
M. Khokhlov 2012, "3D reconstruction and segmentation of fracture surfaces from microscope images using a multi-resolution representation", Principal Advisor: Prof. A. Fischer
I. Ptashnik 2012, "Dynamic fragmentation", Principal Advisor: Prof.D. Durban
Guy Shapira 2011, "Pressure sensitivity in metals", Co-advisor: Dr. B. Karp
E. Weisel 2011, "Mechanical properties of advanced magnesium alloys", Brakim-2011, Co-advisor: Prof. D. Schectman
M. Mergui 2010, "Residual stresses in thin films", Principal Advisor: Prof. I. Bucher
Alexander Belenky 2010, "Dynamic fracture properties of transparent alumina", Recipient of the Barazani Prize
M. Shpitzer 2009, "Impact resistant ceramic ammunition casing"
Michael Dolinsky 2008, "Energy concepts in dynamic failure", 2009-admitted for direct PhD program
E. Ben-David 2008, "Dynamic plasticity at the nanoscale", Principal Advisor: Dr. D. Shilo, Co-advisor: Dr. D. Elata
A. Bril 2008, "The influence of hydrostatic pressure on the dynamic failure of PMMA"
A. Regev 2008, "Infrared monitoring of dynamic failure in polymers"
D. Samak 2006, "Three dimensional reconstruction and visualization of fracture surfaces", Principal Advisor: Prof. A. Fischer
E. Hanina 2006, "he effect of hydrostatic pressure on dynamic shear failure"
I. Zisso 2006, "An investigation into the dynamic deformation and fracture of MAR250 steel"
S. Mizrahi 2005, "Infrared sensing of transient temperature changes during dynamic deformation of materials"
H. Sagi (Cohen) 2001, "Fatigue crack growth in Weldox alloy", Co-advisor: Prof. M.P. Weiss
R. Lazarovitch 2001, "Crack identification using electrical non-destructive methods", Co-advisor: Dr. I. Bucher
G. Weisbrod 1999, "Dynamic fracture toughness of heavy tungsten base alloys"
D. Studny 1997, "The application of impact mechanics to destructive disassembly of fasteners", Principal Advisor: Dr. E. Zussman
F. Laraba 1993, "Comportement à perforation de tubes en acier de transport de fluides", DEA (Masters) Thesis, with Prof. A. Pineau (Principal Advisor, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris)

Undergraduate Students

Tom Jami 2022, Works on piezo-actuation of cells
Eitan Mehl 2022, Bone mechanics
Tzvi GershanikResearch associate, 2021
Roni Hariton 2021, Investigates grape mechanics, Co-advisor: Dr. Ilana Shtein, Ariel University
Lipaz Elezra 2022, Works on the mechanics of fatty tissues
Anthony Yaiche 2022, Piezo-actuation of cells
Yuval Danino 2021, Investigates static shear localization
Moshe Shamir 2021, Biocorrosion of dental implants
Linoy Swissa 2020, Gel mechanics


Dr. Moshe Merzer 2020
Prof. G. Vadillo 2015
Prof. J. A. Rodriguez-Martinez 2015
Javier Reboul Corpa 2015
Damian Aranda Iglesias 2015
Prof. Huang Dan 2014
Prof. J. A. Rodriguez-Martinez 2013, 2014
Rebecca Oikinine 2013


Amir ReubenTechnician, 2021
Zvi (Zvika) ShacharEngineer, 2018
Dr. Ludmila RubinskiTechnician, 2012-2015
Avraham (Avi) AmonTechnician, 2009-2014
Dr. Mark Levin (deceased)Research Engineer, 2004-2012
Dr. Rebecca LevinEngineer, 2010